“Identidades y experiencias: navegando por el viaje criptojudío”

Las presentaciones en la conferencia deben realizarse en inglés. Sin embargo, para comodidad de los hispanohablantes, se incluye una traducción de la convocatoria de artículos aquí:


35.ª Conferencia Anual

“Identidades y experiencias: navegando por el viaje criptojudío” 


Los Ángeles, California * 10-12 de agosto de 2025

La Sociedad de Estudios Criptojudaicos invita a presentar propuestas para presentaciones en su 35.ª Conferencia Anual, del domingo 10 al martes 12 de agosto de 2025, en Los Ángeles, California. Este evento está abierto a presentaciones regionales, nacionales e internacionales. La conferencia será solo “en persona”. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en el histórico Templo Sefardí en Wilshire Boulevard. Para obtener más detalles sobre la Sociedad, la conferencia y las emocionantes actividades previas a la conferencia, visite http://cryptojews.com.

Invitamos a presentar propuestas de artículos sobre criptojudaísmo de cualquier disciplina (por ejemplo, antropología, historia, sociología, filosofía, literatura, música, etc.) y de cualquier ubicación geográfica o período de tiempo. También damos la bienvenida a propuestas de presentaciones sobre todos los aspectos de la experiencia sefardí y la de otras comunidades que exhiben fenómenos criptojudíos.

El tema de la conferencia de 2025 es “Identidades y experiencias: navegando por el viaje criptojudío”. Se aceptan especialmente propuestas que innoven en la investigación relacionada con este tema, las narrativas personales, la pedagogía o la pragmática.

El Dr. Seth D. Kunin, profesor emérito de la Universidad de Curtin, pronunciará la conferencia de académico distinguido Stanley M. Hordes: “El canto del gorrión: la exploración poética de Loggie Carrasco de su identidad criptojudía”. La conferencia también incluye el concierto en memoria de Judy Frankel y el discurso de Martin Sosin-Petit para promover la investigación en las artes criptojudaicas y un taller de genealogía previo a la conferencia.

Se invita a los académicos y profesionales interesados, incluidos los estudiantes de posgrado avanzados, a enviar propuestas para presentaciones de investigación individuales o paneles organizados de tres o cuatro presentadores. También se aceptan propuestas de personas con narrativas personales u otras propuestas relacionadas con los criptojudíos. Las propuestas que respondan a esta convocatoria deben ser nuevas investigaciones, narrativas o conferencias que no se hayan presentado anteriormente en otro lugar; indique si la propuesta representa una investigación completada o un trabajo en progreso. Las propuestas aceptadas tendrán de 20 a 30 minutos por presentador, con discusión adicional según lo permita el tiempo. Las presentaciones deben estar en inglés.

Las propuestas deben seguir este formato: (1) título de la propuesta, (2) nombre del presentador, (3) correo electrónico, (4) un resumen de hasta 200 palabras y (5) una breve biografía (3 líneas), que incluya la afiliación relevante y el título académico, si corresponde. Para los paneles organizados, el organizador del panel es responsable de proporcionar un solo documento con el título, el nombre del presentador, el correo electrónico, el resumen y una breve biografía de cada presentador, además del título de la sesión, un breve resumen de la sesión en su conjunto y una breve biografía del organizador.

Los presentadores deben registrarse para presentar sus trabajos en la conferencia; aquellos cuyas propuestas sean aceptadas disfrutan de una tarifa de inscripción con descuento especial.

Envíe sus propuestas AQUÍ (https://cryptojews.com/cfp2025-form/)

Preguntas: sward@aya.yale.edu con SCJS2025 en la línea de asunto. Información (y enlaces) en https://cryptojews.com Fecha límite de presentación de propuestas: 28 de marzo de 2025.

CALL FOR PAPERS-Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies


35th Annual Conference

“Identities and Experiences: Navigating the Crypto-Jewish Journey”

Los Angeles California * August 10-12, 2025

(PDF version of this announcement below).

The Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies invites proposals for presentations at its 35th Annual Conference, Sunday, August 10 through Tuesday, August 12, 2025, in Los Angeles, California. This event is open to regional, national, and international submissions. The conference will be “in-person” only. Sessions will be held at the historic Sephardic Temple on Wilshire Boulevard. For more details about the Society, the conference, and exciting pre-conference activities, please visit http://cryptojews.com

We invite proposals for papers on crypto-Judaism from any discipline (e.g., anthropology, history, sociology, philosophy, literature, music, etc.) and from any geographic location or time-period.  We also welcome proposals for presentations on all aspects of the Sephardic experience and that of other communities exhibiting crypto-Jewish phenomena.

The 2025 Conference Theme is “Identities and Experiences: Navigating the Crypto-Jewish Journey.” Proposals breaking new ground in research related to this theme, personal narratives, pedagogy or pragmatics are particularly welcome.

Dr. Seth D. Kunin, Professor Emeritus, Curtin University, will deliver the Stanley M.  Hordes Distinguished Scholar Lecture: “The Song of the Sparrow: Loggie Carrasco’s Poetic Exploration of her Crypto-Jewish Identity.” The Conference also features the Judy Frankel Memorial Concert and the Martin Sosin-Petit Address to Advance Scholarship in the Crypto-Judaic Arts and a pre-conference Genealogy Workshop.  

Interested scholars and professionals, including advanced graduate students, are encouraged to submit proposals for individual research presentations, or organized panels of three or four presenters. Proposals are also welcomed from individuals with personal narratives or other proposals related to crypto-Jews. Proposals responding to this Call should be new research, narratives, or lectures not previously presented elsewhere; please indicate if the proposal represents completed research or work in progress. Accepted proposals will have 20-30 minutes per presenter, with additional discussion as time allows. Presentations must be in English.

Proposals should follow this format: (1) proposal title, (2) presenter name, (3) email, (4) an abstract of up to 200 words, and (5) a brief bio (3 lines), including relevant affiliation and academic title if any. For organized panels, the Panel Organizer is responsible for providing a single document with title, presenter name, email, abstract and brief bio for each presenter, plus the session title, a brief abstract of the session as a whole, and organizer brief bio.

Presenters must register to present their papers at the conference; those whose proposals are accepted enjoy a special discounted registration fee.

Submit proposals HERE (https://cryptojews.com/cfp2025/)

Questions: sward@aya.yale.edu with SCJS2025 in the subject line.
Information (and links) at https://cryptojews.com

Proposal Deadline: March 28, 2025.



Dr. Seth Ward

Expulsion, Inquisition, and the erasure of Jewish Identity

August 6, 2024

5 PM Mountain (7 PM Eastern).

Via Zoom

Here is a video edited from the lecture: 

(note: the first few minutes of the audio are silent).

Dr. Seth Ward discusses the riots of 1391, the establishment of the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion of 1492, and the legacies and impacts of these events down to our modern times, including contemporary persons of Hispanic heritage enthusiastic about identifying with Judaism in ways unthinkable until very recent times. This lecture continues in part the Spanish Inquisition Remembrance Ceremony (SIRC), which is on pause this year. This lecture is held at this time to mark the anti-Jewish riots of 1391 (קנ"א) starting in Tammuz and especially the and Spanish Edict Expulsion, which took effect July 31, 1492, which corresponded with the 7th of Av, 5252 (רנ"ב). 

Use the form to contact me also with questions or suggestions. 

Feel free to browse my postings on this blog, or at https://drsethward.wordpress.com/


RE: WUTSup! TODAY 5 PM Mountain Dec. 15 2021. Use this link: https://getklatch.com/product/wutsup-wyoming-union-torah-study/

A reminder ¨C WUTSup 5 ¨C 5:30 PM Mountain Time. Topic: The Last Words of the Biblical Book of Genesis.


Our text for today is Genesis 49:26 through the end of Gen. 50¡ªthe end of the stories of Jacob and Joseph. Bonus: Time permitting, we will also look at Maimonides¡¯ Book of Commandments on Tefillin: learn about this archetypical aspect of Judaism, worn by Jews for at least 2000 years and possible 3000 years.


Here¡¯s the link for today: WUTSup! Wyoming Union Torah Study - Klatch (getklatch.com)   (not my usual ZOOM). Today would be a good day to try it out.


Seth Ward




WUTSup! TODAY 5 PM Mountain Dec. 15 2021. Use this link: https://getklatch.com/product/wutsup-wyoming-union-torah-study/

Hi everyone!


Many students, friends and colleagues have expressed interests in Scriptural Studies. Some of you have been active with WUTSup! Today would be a good time to join us! Our text for today is Genesis 49:26 through the end of Gen. 50―the end of the stories of Jacob and Joseph. Here’s the link for today: WUTSup! Wyoming Union Torah Study - Klatch (getklatch.com)


WUTSup! has been meeting online and with informal Scripture discussions since March 2020. The name “WUTSup” comes from prior to March 2020, when we used to meet in the Wyoming Union on the UW campus for “Torah Study.” I hope to go back to meeting in person January 19, but will keep the online-access.


The Scriptural Passages we discuss are largely based on the traditional Jewish reading cycle (“Weekly Torah Reading”). I try to include traditional Jewish commentary, legends and folklore (what might be called “Bible Stories”), as well as Modern scholarship, and comparative material from Christian and Muslim sources. For example, in the past I have compared Qur’anic and Biblical materials about Abraham, Joseph, Moses and other Biblical figures. I strive for the sessions to be “ecumenical and inclusive” while remaining true to the original sense of Scripture and to Jewish interpretational traditions. This year, I am also trying to read a section from Maimonides’ Book of Commandments each week to give another way of learning about Jewish scriptural interpretation. (Time permitting, today’s passage is about the Tefillin worn today during the morning prayer.


I strive to keep these sessions 30 minutes (although some of us stick around to chat a little while longer). No one can complain that they don’t have an hour to spare.


TODAY’s link is a new platform. It requires registration, which should only take a few seconds (although I recommend registering in advance anyway). Here is the link again: WUTSup! Wyoming Union Torah Study - Klatch (getklatch.com) Please note that the website says 7PM Eastern which is the same thing as 5 Mountain. It also sets a “charge of $0.” i.e. there is no charge.

WUTS meets at 5 PM Mountain time today, Wed. Dec. 15. Looking forward to seeing you!


Seth Ward




Wyoming Baroque and The Golem October 4 2021



Wyoming Baroque and The Golem




Wyoming Baroque

Performs a new Film Soundtrack by 

Dr. Mark Elliot Bergman

Sheridan College Director of Strings and Orchestral Studies

together with


a screening of the 1920 silent film

The Golem



Monday, October 4, 2021--7:30 PM

Choral Rehearsal Room, Room 2003 in the

Buchanan Fine Arts Center

University of Wyoming, Laramie WY.




A short trailer about the project is available here. 





Dr. Mark Elliot Bergman
Sheridan College Director of Strings and Orchestral Studies

Music Director, Wyoming Baroque



Sheridan College Music Department

Personal website

Sheridan College Strings and Orchestral Studies